Lemorn is currently accepting submissions in the following categories for all genres (English works only):

Poetry Collections (2,000 and up words)*
Short Story (1,500 to 7,500 words) or short story collections
Novetta (7,501 to 17,500 words)
Novella (17,501 to 40,000 words)
Novel (40,001 and up words)

*Poetry: we strive to help maintain the formatting of the poems but unfortunately due to the nature of ePubs some formatting is lost.

How To Submit

If you have a work you are interested in submitting, you should first send a query letter. A query letter is a single page formal letter, very much like a cover letter for your resume. Key points to include in your query letter:

  • email your query to Asylos@lemorn.com and format the Subject line:
    • Query Letter for <title of work> by <your name>
  • your real name (if you wish to use a pseudonym or pen name include that too, but we need your real name for legal/tax documents and payments)
  • name of your story and genre(s)
  • a short synopsis (between 250 – 500 words)
  • word count for your manuscript
  • publishing history for any format (don’t worry if you don’t have any)
  • the first chapter (2 to 5 pages) pasted at the end of the email:
    • Do not send attachments until requested.
  • Do not include your manuscript with your query.
    • It will be requested if your query is accepted.
    • We will not open any attachments unless we requested it.

Reasons for rejection

We strive to accept all works submitted but we, unfortunately, must reserve the right to decline some works for a variety of reasons. The most likely reasons are:

  • Plagiarism or other illegal content.
  • Unreadable We will work with an author as much as possible to make their work ready for publication, if your work is rejected, we will try to give an explanation if time allows.

Further Details

  1. A full contract will be supplied to the author for review when we accept a work and must be signed by both parties before editing begins.
    • Authors are expected to work with the editor on polishing their work for publication.
  2. Works are sold via Smashwords, which distributes to other retailers.
    • NOTE: Lemorn is not responsible for unplanned price changes by Amazon. It is recommended that when mentioning your book, you refer to the Smashwords site, as that provides the largest profit margin for your work.
  3. Royalties: 70% of net revenue from the sale of the book.
  4. Royalties are paid quarterly via PayPal, provided the total is over $25 dollars.

Tip 1

Before sending, go through your work and do your best to catch all the things you can.

Tip 2

Times New Roman, 12pt
1.5 spacing
1″ margins


We can do nothing with an incomplete story. Please ensure your story is finished before sending us the query letter.